
By:  Kimberly Hefling
Source: Politico Pro

Bribery scheme brings renewed questions to role of money in admissions

— The college bribery scheme unveiled by the FBI is sure to raise new questionsabout the role of money in higher education admissions.

— In the era of President Donald Trump, principals say civil discourse, opioid addiction and gun violence are issues that have seeped into their schools, according to a new UCLA survey.

IT’S WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13. WELCOME TO MORNING EDUCATION. We’re happy to welcome Nicole Gaudiano as the newest reporter to our education team. Drop her a line at ngaudiano@politico.com. Share event listings: educalendar@politicopro.com. And follow us on Twitter: @Morning_Edu and @POLITICOPro.

SCHEME HIGHLIGHTS ROLE OF MONEY IN ADMISSIONS: Movie stars, CEOs, a fashion designer and wealthy investors have all been implicated by the FBI in a major cheating and bribery scheme to get their children admitted into some of the nation's most elite colleges. Read the details here.

— The scandal calls into question everything from admissions preferences for children of alumni and athletes to the weight admissions officials put on test scores like the ACT and SAT, which have long been shown to favor wealthy students. It's the latest blow to the nation’s most expensive and selective universities.

— And it comes as public confidence in higher education has been eroding and as Harvard and the University of North Carolina defend their use of race in admissions in high profile lawsuits. Such schools are also among President Donald Trump's favorite targets. The universities involved in the scandal, including Georgetown, USC and Yale, have issued statements saying they're cooperating with authorities in the case. Read more from Benjamin Wermund.

— The movie stars involved were "Desperate Housewives" star Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin of "Full House" fame. White House counselor Kellyanne Conway tweetedafterward: “.@LoriLoughlin & @FelicityHuffman indicted for lying and buying spots in college. They worried their daughters are as stupid as their mothers.”

— “While all of the defendants are entitled to a presumption of innocence, this is an extreme illustration of a reality in our higher education system: Students from wealthy families and students from poor families are not treated equally,” House Education and Labor Chairman Bobby Scott (D-Va.) said in a statement late Tuesday. “While illegal schemes are maddening and inflammatory, it is the legal and systemic inequality in college admissions and success that ultimately deprives countless students of the chance to reach their potential.”

— Separately, Agence France-Presse reports that five California residents were arrested for helping Chinese nationals take English proficiency exams to get U.S. student visas.

PRINCIPALS DESCRIBE CIVIL DISCOURSE, OPIOID ABUSE IN NEW SURVEY: America’s most pressing issues — from opioid abuse to gun violence — have seeped into its high schools at a time when principals say civil discourse has complicated their jobs, according to a new survey out today from the Institute for Democracy, Education and Access at UCLA.

— UCLA researchers found that nearly two-thirds said their schools have been affected by the opioid crisis. One Nevada principal called the problem part of the “hidden secrets” high schools deal with because principals “don’t know it’s occurring until the kid shows up in the office crying, because a lot of kids won’t even admit, won’t even tell somebody because they’re embarrassed that their parent is hooked on opioids.”

— Overall, nearly 9 out of 10 principals say incivility in the Trump era has considerably affected their school community. Read more from your host.

HOUSE COMMITTEE TACKLES HIGHER ED: The House Education and Labor Committee will hold the first of five hearings today on reauthorizing the Higher Education Act. The hearing, dubbed “The Cost of College: Student Centered Reforms to Bring Higher Education Within Reach," starts at 10:15 a.m. in 2175 Rayburn.

— In his opening statement, Scott is expected to note that every senator and more than 9 out of 10 House members has a bachelor’s degree and it’s imperative that Congress address rising college costs. “We, of all people, should not be discouraging students from seeking the education that got us here today,” he plans to say, according to prepared remarks.

ICYMI: Scott said on Tuesday that reauthorizing child nutrition programs is on his list of priorities. He said he's "optimistic" Congress will consider a bill during this session. Read more from Pro Agriculture’s Liz Crampton.

— Jake Cornett, a senior adviser to Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) on the Senate HELP Committee, has been named executive director of Disability Rights Oregon.

— The Pioneer Institute released a new study on “Social-Emotional Learning: K-12 Education as New Age Nanny State” that it says describes the dangers of social and emotional learning.

— 10:15 a.m. The House Education and Labor Committee holds a hearing on "The Cost of College: Student Centered Reforms to Bring Higher Education Within Reach." 2175 Rayburn.

— Noon. The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies holds a discussion focused on free speech on college campuses. George Washington University Law School, 2000 H St. NW.

— 3 p.m. The National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators holds a discussion on a new report titled "Innovative, Forward-Thinking Recommendations to Congress on Higher Education Policy" from the Higher Education Committee of 50. The Rooftop, 1201 New York Ave. NW.

— 6 p.m. Georgetown University holds a discussion on "The Future of Higher Education in America." Georgetown University. Healy Hall.

— Buoyed by successful strikes in other states, new Tennessee teacher group readies for a fight: Memphis Commercial Appeal.

— "It’s a lot like The Hunger Games": Utah education groups react to push to spend income tax money on things beyond public schools: The Salt Lake Tribune.

— Louisiana school board backs governor's teacher raise plan: The Associated Press.